Sunday, April 8, 2012

British Auto Industry is heading for a revival: Brit car marquees at their finest

Though the Japanese and German auto manufacturers rate high on the scale of global car manufacturers, it is the British that still hold the key. Auto companies like MINI and Rolls Royce which were representations of true blue British companies are now taken over by the BMW Group.

The ongoing Geneva Motor Show has seen a host of Japanese, Italian, German, French,  and Indian cars on display but British auto manufacturers are conspicuously not so popular. All major British auto companies are now being bought over and very few iconic British auto companies now remain.

Atlanta Motors is one of the classic British manufacturers while Lagonda, the once iconic brand now owned by Aston Martin has a number of cars under development. Eternity Motors is also planning a line of luxury cars in the coming years and TVR may also be contemplating a relaunch though it is not clear if they will be a complete UK based company. All this make it look like the British Auto Industry is heading for a revival. 

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